
How to Do Kegel exercises.

What’s  PC muscle.

The pubococcygeus muscle or PC muscle is a hammock-like muscle, found in both sexes, that stretches from the pubic bone to the coccyx (tail bone) forming the floor of the pelvic cavity and supporting the pelvic organs. It is part of the levator ani muscle.

The PC muscle controls urine flow and contracts during orgasm as well as assisting in male ejaculation. It also aids in childbirth as well as core stability.

A strong PC muscle has also been linked to a reduction in urinary incontinence and proper positioning of the baby's head during childbirth.


About Kegel exercises

The Kegel exercises are a series of voluntary contractions of all the perineal muscles. Such movement is done in an effort to strengthen all the striated muscles in the perineum's area. They are often referred to simply as "kegels", named after their founder, Dr. Arnold Kegel. These exercises also serve to contract, among others, the ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus, and cremaster muscle in men, as voluntary contraction of the pubococcygeus muscle also engages the cremasteric reflex, which lifts the testicles up, although this does not occur in all men. Kegel exercises have been prescribed to ameliorate erectile dysfunction due to venous leakage and to help men control premature ejaculation and to treat urinary incontinence in both sexes


Locate your PC muscle.

As mentioned above, the PC muscle also controls urine flow. This means, the muscle you contract to slow down or stop your urine flow is you PC muscle. So next time you urinate, become aware of your PC muscle by repeatedly contracting and relaxing your PC muscle which should stop and start your urine flow.

As soon as we know how to voluntarily contract and relax our PC muscle, we can exercise it like every other muscle in the body. And just like with any other muscle we do that with different exercises with a certain amount of repetition and a certain amount of sets. And just like with any other muscle we need to give it its proper rest so it can replenish itself and grow thus become stronger which in the end will result in a stronger and longer lasting erection.

Do Kegel exercises.

When you know where is the PC muscle and how to control it, now you can follow the coach to do your Kegel excercises!